Good manners and courtesy are always appreciated by the people who receive them. In addition, it makes you feel good about yourself to know that you could treat other people well even under adverse circumstances. Manners are a way of showing respect for others and respect for yourself. Never underestimate the importance of holding the door open for someone or giving up your seat on a bus or train to someone who needs it more than you do. Treat every person with respect, from the coffee boy to your CEO. It's not enough to be nice when they're around; always hold yourself to a high standard of politeness and respect. People in this world will go out of their way to be rude and mean, but this is not a reason to lower your standards. You don't have to stoop down to their level – raise yourself above them instead.
There is no denying the fact that being civil and courteous to those with whom you interact, whether your contact is face-to-face, over the phone, or via email, can go a long way toward making your workday go more smoothly. Even if they are strangers, treating people with respect can make all the difference in how others respond to you. The nicer and friendlier you are, the more likely others will help you out when you need something. Being courteous is not just about being nice. It is about being aware of your surroundings and what is happening around you. It is about treating others with respect and holding yourself accountable for your actions. In a business environment, where there are many moving parts and the potential for things to go awry at any time, knowing that all team members have this mindset can help eliminate some of the stress involved in doing business during these challenging times. Being courteous also means trying to understand where others are coming from. We all have our own perspectives on situations. It may be difficult sometimes to understand where someone else is coming from, but if we try to see it from their point of view, it could save time and energy during disagreements to move forward quickly.